This morning we had teriyaki chicken hash with chicken leftovers from last night's supper.
One more day and what a long day that will feel like with everything that still needs done. Got word last night that the in-laws will be stopping by later on this afternoon. I was hoping they would have stopped by on Christmas day so we could get stuff done. Now I feel extra rushed!
Well I have to get off here to get things done for now. Got my notebook full of notes as to what still needs done. My notebooks come in handy for things like this. You need to take notes and plan ahead or things will get forgotten and not done.
Why does it seem like the more presents you wrap the more they keep multiplying!!
Just started cookie making for Santa and tomorrow's dinner.
The Pretzel Turtles just came out of the oven and are the simplest
things to make and look so fancy!
Jonathan helped me get the second batch of cookies in the oven which was
chocolate filled chocolate chip cookies.
Christopher with the third batch, caramel filled chocolate chip cookies.
And me assisting with putting everything in the hot oven.
I have been spying a can of peaches and been thinking about making some peaches and cream pocket pies for tomorrow similar to the apple ones I made yesterday.
So might throw a batch of them in there with all the cookies.
I have some left over pecan so might crumble those on top, yummy!
The in-laws stopped by around 5 or so and just left and it's almost 8pm.
We had a nice time and exchanged our gifts. While socializing with them I was running
back and forth to the kitchen baking cookies, lol.
I ended up making 5 different kinds today along with
peaches and cream pocket pies for tomorrow.
Well it's 8pm and we STILL have lots of wrapping to do. Looks like it's going to be a long night. We've been wrapping since yesterday!!
It's 11:56pm and we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!!
We have wrapped til we can't wrap no more! LOL.
Good Night!
From: The Lees