Was way busy with baking yesterday to post anything. I thought I was going to spend
my morning and evening baking but it didn't turn out as planned. Took the kids to school then came home and finished a batch of cookies and started wrapping some of them up. Mom called up and wanted me to go with her to the South end of Columbus to her friends to drop off cookies and gifts. Ahhh already pressed for time! Then we went out to eat at Frisch's. Then Tony calls and wants me to pick up a gift for his bosses little girl. He needed that for Friday. Another ahhh moment. Went to Walmart and Big Lots. By the time I got home it was time to go pick kids up from school. Got them picked up, started supper, made some fudge and 2 batches of cookies by the time Tony got home. We ate then had to go to a musical the kids had from school. That was about an hour to an hour and a half. It's around 8pm by the time we get home and settle down and get kids ready for bed. Then it was rush hour for me to get another 2 batches of cookies done, fudge cut up, cookies wrapped, 2 baskets made, Christmas cards written, Tony's bowl of cookies done for work and his bosses Christmas gift wrapped. I'm whipped!
Today I took the kids to school, stopped by the bank, took mom out to Tee Jays. Then we went to 2 thrift stores. I made it home by noon. Thank goodness I don't have any more cookie baking to do!
Today I found these gifts for the boys:
Box of trains for Christopher
Baseball picture, stuffed doll and a bunch of plastic ball caps for Jonathan.
Then for Damien I got 4 pairs of boxers, a pair of slippers and a fleece jacket.
I am making Damien a food box, a toiletry box and a box of clothes that he can keep here. I still need to buy him some new socks to go in that box.
At the thrift store I found a huge snowman flannel flat sheet. I am hoping to get 2 child size snuggies made out of them. I'm going to try and start them this weekend providing everything goes well.
I've gotten excellent feedback with my cookies. So far brownies covered with fudge at Tony's work ranked #1 and from the school the Caramel Coconut Bars #1. Cool because those bars are the ones I want to enter in the cookie contest.