I started my Christmas baking tonight. Ahhhh!
I started it off good by branding myself with a HOT metal casserole pan.
I got word from Tony tonight that his work is having a pot luck and gift
exchange WEDNESDAY! It's MONDAY!
What is wrong with people having no consideration!!!
I have a total of 1 DAY to make a potluck dish and go out and find
a unisex gift!!!
Then I have all these cookie trays/baskets to make by Thursday
for Tony's work and school.
And people wonder how I burnt myself. I am running in 10 different directions
at the moment!!! We won't talk about still having to do more Christmas shopping,
wrapping all presents and going grocery shopping for Christmas dinner, this week along with what was mentioned above.
I made one bar cookie with a Betty Crocker cookie mix.
I love this time of year when I can experiment with different cookie mixes and send the results away as gifts and cookie trays for work and school.
Then I can get feedback on how others like it. I have lots of guinea pig
testers come Christmas time!
This bar cookie is something I made up and will enter in the Betty Crocker's cookie
contest in Januarty.
They are very sweet and gooey! I will cut the bars again in half because of this.
Photos show full sized bars. Let's just say it tasted something like a candy bar without the full coating of chocolate.
Butterscotch cookie bottom with toasted coconut mixed with a caramel type topping.
Then a chocolate drizzle on top.