For anyone who has signed up
for Speedy Rewards monthly update:
This month's newsletter has a printable coupon
for $1.00 off of gas!
Just returned from Kroger.
I keep thinking it's Saturday with Tony
home from work, lol. Was wondering
why Kroger wasn't so busy.
I stocked up on some meat because I
heard that the deer my brother got
not long ago didn't produce as much meat as
we expected, only 15 pounds burger
and a couple steaks. But I hear he is still hunting
so hoping for a bigger deer!
I found a couple mark down carts
and got these items:

4 meals in photo.
2 turkey pizzas
& 2 breakfasts.
2 boxes Stove Top- $1.00 each
not the best deal when you usually can find
them for a $1.00 on sale but I needed some
for my Turkey Pizza.
2 cans jellied cranberry sauce- .50 cents each
Will use this on the Turkey Pizza
2 pkgs Hormel pre-cooked bacon.
Not sure of regular price but the Kroger
brand was on sale for $3.00
And I had a coupon for a free bottle of Excederin.
When I got home I also found another coupon
in my mailbox for $3.50 off Excederin PM!
Hoping to combine that with a Walgreens sale
or Walgreens coupon to get it free!

There's a good 12 meals in this photo!
Hams- 3 meals each
(ham slices/cubes for 2 meals & soup with remaining ham & bone.)
pork chops- 2 meals each
(1 pork chop per adult & half for child.)
Then we strolled past the meat mark down section
and found these mark downs:
$5.63 & $5.86 pkgs of pork chops
marked down to $2.79 & $2.68 each.
Then I noticed the butcher marking down hams!
Got 2 hams for $3.89 & $3.29 each.
There was actually another much larger ham for $4.79
marked down that we gave to mom for New Years.
Aren't I sneaky!!
Mom gave me $5.00 the other day to cover
the cost of 2 pizzas we all ate from Little Caesers.
I turned around and used that $5.00
to buy her a ham and two packages of rolls
that could easily supply them with 4 meals,
if not more considering there is only 2 of them!
Went by the bread area and found stacks of crates with
packages of rolls marked down to .25 cents each.
Got 4 packages and gave two to mom.
I think we are set on pork for bringing
luck into our new year! LOL!
Plus, remember I made 2 casserole dishes
of potatoes with ham and sauerkraut roll ups!
I spent around $47 today.
While I only showed you my mark down deals
I got other stuff as well like frozen pizzas,
pop, shredded cheese, mixed veggie,
a couple packs of chicken rice plus
mom's ham (about 4 meals) & rolls.
I figured up 20 meals were gotten
with this $47 so not too shabby!!
Well I need to sort through some totes.
You tell kids to clean their rooms
and they threw everything into totes
and drug the totes to the hallway or kitchen
and left them there. So time to weed
the stuff out!
Also brought up the Christmas tree box
out of the basement so might get that
put away today as well.
Tony's currently working on removing
tires and putting on brakes & inspecting
to see if rotors need turned on the Lexus.
This should have been done already
but we ran behind getting everything else done.
With gas going up and up we need
to get this car road worthy for the snow
and have Tony start driving it to work
to save on gas instead of the suburban.
On really bad snow days he can drive
that though since it is a 4x4!
We still need to get the other set
of tires on it and take off the 20" ones
that are useless to us in the snow!
Jan & Feb aren't here yet and we know
what kind of snow that can have.
Heck even into March as that's when
we had the last blizzard!
Everyone's making fun of me today while at home.
You ever get a pimple that really hurts?
Well I got one of those yesterday in the crease
of where the bridge of my nose and nostril meets!
Ouch! So I've been dabbing plain ole white
toothpaste on it and letting it sit while I do
housework or when going to bed.
This is supposed to help dry it out
and absorb the oils out of it.
It seems to be working. I don't feel like
going around looking like Rudolph
with half my nose red and inflamed.
Orange Juice might be going up in price due
to damaged crops in Florida from freeze.
Read story HERE.
$10,000 Jelly Belly Cupcake Contest!
Runs from November 15, 2010 to
July 31, 2011
So you still have awhile to get any
cupcakes submitted!
Is there such a thing as Winter cleaning?
Ya know like Spring cleaning.
There should be such a thing for
after Christmas clean up.
That is what I am currently in the
process of doing. Ahhhh!
Well at least the kids bedrooms
and the living area trying to get
the Christmas stuff indoors put away.
And then vacuum all the tinsel, glitter
and crumbs from the carpet.
There is a new show airing tonight at 8pm EST on TLC called
Extreme Couponing. The show profiles four coupon-obsessed savers (as TLC calls them) trying to get as much as they can for as little as they can.
from Hip2Save
I'm not sure if this is the same show I posted and had
a link to a video clip the other day but it sounds like it.
And while I am thinking of it will go set the DVR to record it.
Supper tonight-
Chicken Al La King over Rice
with leftover cornbread.
Doesn't look like anything special
but all the boys raved over it
saying how good it was.
And this had a can of mixed veggies in it.
My kids think they are allergic to veggies
and if had a choice wouldn't touch them
with a ten foot pole!
That says allot in my house to hear those words,
especially from kids!

I was so proud of my honey this evening
when out shopping!
We stopped in NAPA to drop off a couple
rotors to be turned and get a
set of front brake pads. Of course our NAPA
said the machine was broke so had to go to the one
between Worthington & Dublin at the main store.
I waited in the truck.
The employee told Tony it would
cost $46 for brake pads and Tony
actually twerpt up and said well
Advance Auto has them for $32 so
I will get them there and save $10.
The NAPA guy, not wanting to lose his business
took those $46 brakes down to $28
a savings of $18!!
It never hurts to tell stores what
other store's prices are to see if
they are willing to negotiate!
Or heck ask them if they will
match prices.
In this case with the brakes he actually
got the better end of the deal since
NAPA had better brakes than Advance's :0)
Next stop was GameStop in Upper Arlington.
Hubby actually thought to bring an item
back to return that we didn't need.
We was hoping to use that return towards
another wired controller for the XBox360.
We knew a used wire controller would be $40
(yes my eyes were a twitching at that price! But
hey the game system was free!)
Unfortunately they were out of them.
Instead of us walking away and buying nothing,
because we were disappointed and
ready to walk out the door,
the employee found an open box controller
that was $24.99 and gave us a 10%
discount on top of that!
So ended up saving a total of $17.50
off of what we had planned to spend
for a controller.
Actually we paid $8 and some change
after we returned another item
and they gave us that credit.
So the moral of this story is you don't
always have to use coupons or sales
to get the best deals. Know how to talk
(or act around) to the people running the store!
Sometimes they'll do whatever it takes
to get your business
and get you to come back!
Tomorrow morning we have
an eye doctor appointment for Christopher.
The school gave us a certificate to
get a free eye exam and glasses for
him if he needs them!!
That'll be about $200-$300 guessing
that we saved by having them do that
for us!!
I say those guesstimates because
the last time Tony got an eye exam
and glasses that's about what it cost.
And that was through Walmart!
When I was at Kroger earlier today.
I had forgot to hand the cashier my free coupon
for Excederin and realized it at the checkout.
Now usually they send me to the service
desk to deal with stuff like that.
This cashier actually gave me my refund
at the checkout and said the customer
is always right. I about fainted, because
I thought that idea went out the door
a long time ago with the way many people
are getting treated now a days in stores.
Church Bulletins.
I know some may have seen
these funnies before so here
are some more to enjoy!
.Love those Church Ladies..
They're Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for
church ladies with typewriters... These sentences (with all the
BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in
church services: (I think)
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon
tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of
those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your
Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile
at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't
care much about you.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving
obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a
nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all
the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the
church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is
Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of
several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be
recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased
person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super
entertainment and gracious hostility.
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind.
They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park
across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All
ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. Is
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation
would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please
use the back door.
- -------------------------
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the
Church basement Friday at 7 PM.. The congregation is invited to
attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian
Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan
last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.'
Sitting here watching the show
Extreme Couponing I recorded earlier.
Just finished watching the first lady.
When it got to the part where she was
putting tons of Butterfingers in her cart
we all laughed. Why? Because I had those
same coupons and shopped the same sales!
I think I ended up with at least
40 Butterfinger candy bars I got free.
Of course I did these in smaller trips to the
store. I don't know how these people are able
to get that much of one item and use
that many coupons. These stores
around here would give me fits if I did that!
So if it's a really good deal or free stuff
I'll go to the store several times.
Actually today while at Kroger I was
holding a couple Butterfingers coupons
in my hand checking the prices of them.
Unfortunately they are no longer 2 for $1.00
at Kroger so will have to look elsewhere :0)
Going through and studying and getting
ideas for the jelly bean cupcake contest.
I have plenty of time to think this out
and get ideas.
I get inspired by looking at thousands of
I wanted to show you this jelly bean cupcake
that I thought was sooo cute and will
have to remember this idea to make sometime!
I was reading the official rules to the cupcake contest.
Before entering ANY contest be sure to do this first!!
I was browsing through some of the entries
submitted so far and see sooo many mistakes
that make these people ineligible because they
didn't read the rules.
First of the cupcake has to be original.
I see people who have used other people's creations.
Second, the one requirement for the contest
is to use Jelly Belly beans to decorate the cupcake.
I see many cupcakes entered that don't
have a jelly bean one in it!!
What does suck is that judges will pick
5 finalists then have an online voting
with those 5. I hate online voting!!