$1.00 coupon on
single or multi pack Tic Tacs
**sorry this is no longer available!
Good thing I printed mine this morning :0)
buy 1 get 1 free Schick Disposable Razors
*** WOW, it's amazing how fast coupons
come and go! I came back from Meijers
today and was hoping to print this one
and it's not even there anymore.
And to think Red Plum was the one who
sent me the email this morning about
these offers!!
$1.00 off Ball canning products
Head on over here to score a FREE sample of Aleve! You do NOT need to be a Sam’s Club member to snag this sample. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Head on over here to score a FREE Shout Color Catcher sample! This is a new link, so you should be able to request an additional sample.
Well I signed up for yet another House Party.
This one is for Jolee's Jewels.
If chosen they give you
Swarovski crystals and pendants to make bracelets.
If I qualify this party
would be November 13th,
the day before my birthday.
Hoping to get chosen for at least
one House Party.
I have today and tomorrow to
put together these wedding gifts,
hem a dress and iron out any clothes
we are wearing.
I saw for Saturday they have
a 30% chance of rain.
I hope it holds off!
Back from Meijer.
I did these below deals twice.
I put up one order at the checkout
then a bar and another order.
I spent $18.04 on both orders
BUT I got $12.00 worth of Catalinas
for my next shopping trip.
So it was like I got everything below
for $6.04!!
Here's the deals and breakdowns:
I did not originally go into the store
to buy pop but ran across a good deal in the store.
Will use these cans in the kids
packed lunches!
4- 12 packs of 7Up Products
Originally $3.99
x's 4 is $15.96
Sale $2.50 each
.55 cents coupons on 12 packs ($1.10 doubled)
makes them $1.40 a 12 pack!
x's 4 is $5.60 for 4- 12 packs!!
for every 2- 12 packs you buy
you got a FREE 2 liter of 7UP!!
Then there was the butter deal.
Picture shows 10 butters but I got 12
and gave mom 2 of them.
Butter is originally $2.18 x's 12 is $26.12
On sale for $1.33 x's 12 is $15.96
minus 4 $1.00 Meijer coupons
makes it $11.96
PLUS you get back
6- $2.00 catalina coupons on your next shopping trip
so it was like all the butter was FREE!!
minus the $12.00 in catalinas
makes it $6.04 for everything!
TOTAL savings: $27.50
Walgreens will have some great deals available next week, 10/3-10/9
.Nivea Lip Care ONLY $1– awesome price
Use the $2/2 coupon found here or here or from the October/September issue of All You mag.
(there will also be $1/1 and $2/2 coupons in the upcoming 10/3 RP)
Final cost– FREE!
I just got 8 of these free last week from Meijer!
Printed out 2 more coupons
and found the one coupon in my All You magazine
for another 5 FREE!
Not sure if Meijers still has these
for .99 cents but will check!
EOS Lip Balm $3 = $3RR
Final cost FREE!
I thought this was a cute & healthy
idea for Halloween.
From Better Homes & Gardens.
Friendly Ghost Bags
Frosted plastic gift bags become friendly ghosts with a quick trim off the tops. For each bag, simply round the top corners with scissors and apply two googly eyes. Fill the bag with popcorn or Halloween treats, punch two small holes through the top, thread a black cord through the holes, and tie in a bow. They'll fly out the door!
.Pumpkin Treats
Wrap it up! Layer two or three squares of tissue paper together. Draw a jack-o'-lantern face on the top square. Wrap the stack of tissues around a sucker and secure with ribbon.
I don't see why you couldn't use orangenapkins instead of tissue paper.
Ready to Roll
Recycle empty paper-towel rolls into treat-filled tubes. Cut the rolls in half (or use toilet paper rolls) and fill with candy. Then roll an unfolded paper Halloween napkin around each candy-filled tube. Secure the ends with ribbon.
---------------------------------------“Like” White Castle on Facebook and click on the “Promotions” tab to print a coupon valid for a FREE Garlic Cheese Slider!
I was able to print as many as I wanted but
the coupons states limit 1 coupon per customer
per order!
There's a new $1/1 any Nescafe Taster's Choice Product printable coupon available. The 7-ct. Taster's Choice Sticks are part of the 10/$10 grocery items promotion at CVS this week, making them FREE after coupon!
Head on over to Sam’s Club and get a free sample of Pampers Dry Max. No membership needed either. Choose from sizes 3, 4, 5. Allow 4 to 6 weeks to arrive. Click HERE to get your sample.
You do not need a sam's club member ID
to get this sample.
10 things you'll be paying more for soon
Just did a survey for $4.
I should be up to about $40 with them, YEAH!
Well I am off here for a few to sneak
a nappy in! Yawn!
My body has been hurting more
than usual with this cooler weather.
My freebies/samples for yesterday & today.
Sinus Buster & Curel Lotion.
I got a full size sample of Sinus Buster.
I just priced this at Walgreens.com
and it costs $15 but on sale for $10!
WOO HOO for FREE samples!!
From Hip2Save
Yay! The awesome Quaker coupon is available to print again! Head on over here and click on the yellow circle (lower right hand corner) and you’ll be able to print a $1/2 Quaker Rice or Multigrain Snacks coupon. (Thanks, Printable Coupons and Deals!) You can use this coupon to score a sweet deal at Walgreens starting next week, 10/3…
*Quaker Rice Snacks 3.3 oz on sale for $0.99
Use the $1/2 coupon found here
Final cost ONLY $0.49 per bag!
Remember, this deal doesn’t start until next week.
I don't know about you but from now
on when I see coupons from RedPlum
I'm printing them as soon as I see them,
like this offer above, because who
knows how long they will have their coupons for.
I already missed out on the BOGO razor coupons earlier
it went that fast!
Still kickin' myself in the rear for that
because Tony just said the other night
he needed more razors.
I signed up for another House Party.
This one includes a home brewing station
for coffee.
I figure the more I sign up for
maybe the more chances I get to be picked.
$7.00 in Arm & Hammer coupons
I printed the carpet fresh stuff
and the toothpaste because
I feel those items are either cheap
or go on sale.
Free Starbucks Natural Fusions Vanilla Coffee sample
Quantities are limited.
To get your free sample of Starbucks® Natural Fusions Vanilla flavored ground coffee, just sign into your Starbucks account (or create a new one in two easy steps), and tell us your shipping address. Then get ready to savor delicious Starbucks® coffee and natural ingredients, together in perfect harmony.
------------------------------Don't forget to print out coupons today!
It is the last day of the month.
Coupons will reset tomorrow
and could be something different.
I see at the moment there
is another coupon for the $2.00
off Hidden Valley Farmhouse Orginials
so better snatch that up today!
Be sure to print 2 using your back button!
Ahhh, change of mind at last second!
I don't like my dress I chose for the wedding.
Why is it that what I see in the mirror
and what I see in a photo looks like
2 different things???
I look like a heffer in this thing!!
Praying that when yard saling
tomorrow I find me something else to wear!!
At least I would only be out .75 cents for the outfit!
Maybe I could still use the shoes I got.
.55 cents coupon for International Delight
I think these sometimes go on sale
for $1.50 or $1.67 so it would
make for some cheap creamer!
printable 30% off coupon for paints
and stains from Sherman Williams
How many times have you been told that your Register Rewards didn’t print because you used a coupon??? Well you might want to save Sunday’s Ad. There are 2 times in the upcoming Walgreens ad that we are shown that we can use a coupon from Sunday’s Paper and the Register Reward. These will both make for Free Items Next Week! I’m thinking I’ll cut out these pages and put them in my coupon binder with my Walgreens Coupon Policy so that I have them for future reference.
-------------------------Deal Seeking Mom
Walgreens has some great freebies starting next week. I know many people were asking when the free razors were coming back so I'm excited to tell you that you can get them starting on Sunday!
EOS Lip Balm, Summer Fruit or Honeysuckle (.25 oz.), $3
Get $3 RRs
FREE after RRs!
Schick Hydro 3 or 5 Blade Razor System or Cartridges, $7.99
Get $4 RRs
$4/1 Schick Hydro 5 Razor, exp. 11-14-10 (SS 10/03/10)
$4/1 Schick Hydro 3 Razor, exp. 11-14-10 (SS 10/03/10)
FREE after coupon and RRs!
Tena-Serenity Heavy Protection Underwear (16 or 18 pk.), $9.99
Get $9.99 MIR (rebate form prints at register)
FREE After MIR Tena Underwear, exp. 12-31-10 (SS 10/03/10)
$1.50/1 Tena Serenity Pad, Underwear or Guard, exp. 11-30 (SS 8/1/10)
$2/1 TENA Underwear, exp. 10-31-10 (Better Homes & Gardens, June)
$1.50/1 TENA Pads, exp. 10-31-10 (Better Homes & Gardens, June)
Better than FREE after coupon and MIR
Nivea Lip Care Products, $1
$2/2 Nivea Lip Care printable
$1/1 Nivea Lip Care, exp. 11-3-10 (RP 10/03/10)
$2/1 Nivea Lip Care, exp. 11-3-10 (RP 10/03/10)
$1/1 Nivea Lip Care Product, exp. 11-30-10 (ALL YOU Oct '10)
**More Nivea Lip Care coupons
Better than FREE after coupon
.Got the Franklin county police scanner pulled up.
A street over next to the library there
is a TON of police cars and firetrucks!
Still don't know what is going on over there.
You can check out an online scanner HERE for free!
Pataskala is HERE
scroll down list to find.
Under Law Enforcement..
Update: This FREE bar offer is now live! Better late than never, right?!
Head over to the Zone Perfect Facebook page , “like” them, then click on the “Surprise” Tab. The first 40,000 fans will score a FREE Cookie Dough Nutrition bar! Yummy!
I just got mine, YEAH! 9:30PM
Enjoy Your Free Cookie Dough Nutrition Bar!
Look for a coupon for a free Cookie Dough Nutrition Bar to arrive in your mailbox within 4-6 weeks. While you have your eye on that tasty prize, don't forget that you still have four more chances to win! Come back every Thursday in October at 3pm ET for the next Cookie Doughlicious Surprise!
Don't ya hate it when you are watching
a program on tv and when a commercial
comes on it is blaring so loud
to the point you have to constantly keep
a remote by your side to monitor the volume.
Well now they are finally passing a law
that states that all programs are
to be at the same level of volume!
YEAH, it's about time!!
Don't get the Sunday paper
or sales ads?
Well here is a complete list of most
all stores online where you can
view their ads.
Did You Know?
When shopping at Walgreens
and they have a buy 1 get 1 free sale
you can use TWO coupons
even though the second item is free???