AEP's so called Smart Meter doesn't seem so smart after
all, after receiving my bill!
The most total KWH I used during the WHOLE YEAR
was last month at 771 KWH.
Even during the Summer months of using an air conditioner
was under 700 KWH!
So someone please explain to me why in the hell this month
after the installation of a Smart Meter my total
was 938 KWH????!!!!!!
My electric bill jumped up an extra 167 KWH
at an extra $24.90 this month.
Last month was $77.39
This month $102.29
I have no way to check my old meter outside
as they have removed it and put in a new one.
How do I know they didn't they didn't read it
and add on extra KWH????
My bills from last month and this month
both say they were ACTUAL readings.
We have NOT done anything different around
here with using electric. Everything is still
the same. No extra things plugged in.
I've used the crock pot more than the oven
when baking.
We use flourescent bulbs in all light fixtures.
Even got rid of an old tv and use a more effecient
It says on the bill now that if you use 1,000KWH
or less they will give you a discount of $3.00.
BUT if you use more than 1,000KWH a month
they will charge you $5.00.
Will wait to see next month's bill
and hopefully it goes back down or I'll
be making a few phone calls!!
This will sound weird. But this morning I woke
up with a name to a cookie in my head.
Something I'd never thought of before but
there it was this morning upon awakening.
Is it a sign? Who knows.
I see a visual in
my head of what it would look like. I googled
it like I usually do to see if anyone else
has made or thought of it before. I found NOTHING.
I have til 11:59pm to enter any more cookie
recipes for the Betty Crocker cookie contest
before it is over with.
The last time I was a finalist it ended up being
one of the last few cookie recipes I entered.
If I do make it I will need to run to the store
for a few ingredients.
Ok here are some more store sales
combined with coupons. To see the
other list you will have to check
yesterday's post.
Splenda 100 count sweetener
sale $2.99
-.55 cent coupon
makes it $2.44
Limit 2
*I'm thinking I priced Spenda 200 count
at Kroger the other day and it was $9.00.
So if you buy 2 boxes of Splenda from
Walgreens (200 count total)
it would cost $4.88, half price of Kroger.
Renuzit adjustable air fresheners
.99 cents each with Walgreens coupon
Limit 4
Manf. coupon Buy 2 get 1 free.
Makes it $1.98 for 3 or an average of .66 cents each
Hubby's been wanting a new diabetic meter
and I found a heck of a deal at Walgreens
this week on one.
Like I said before if you have family or friends
that will allow you to send rebates to their
homes all the better.
Walgreens sale price $14.99
-$14.99 mail in rebate on box
-$10.00 off manufacture coupon
PLUS you get $5.00 in register rewards.
This is a coupon that will print at the register.
It will say $5.00 off your next order/purchase at their store.
This ends up being free and then some!!!
It is limit 1 $5.00 register rewards per transaction.
So if you have more than one manufacture coupon like
I do then you need to take a friend or go back
a second time!
I saw an ad in CVS's paper that says they
can transfer your movies from
vcr tapes to a dvd for $25.
That's ridiculous when you consider
how many of those tapes you may own.
You'd be better off buying a dual
dvd/VCR recordable player and doing it
By the time you do 6 VHS tapes to DVD
you could have bought yourself one of
those recordable players and done it yourself!
For those of you who may use a Swiffer Sweeper...
-Around my home it seems that someone always has a sock with a hole in it, so I started saving the "used" socks and by making a slit from the top of the sock to about the middle of the foot, I can slip them over my Swiffer duster and I don't have to buy the replacement pads. They work just as well and I feel that it picks up larger crumbs better. from thriftyfun.
-Refilling the Bottle
To easily reuse the Swiffer cleaning bottle, cut small hole (about 1/4 inch) into bottom (part that sticks up when inserted in the Swiffer mop). Go to local hardware store and buy small rubber stopper (under 50 cents). When you want to refill with your own cheap cleaning solution, take out stopper and use funnel to refill.
from thriftyfun.
-Growing Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts
-Plannin and Preparing Your Garden
They also offer several other free courses
from family, parenting, astronomy, spelling,
religion, personal finance, math, music & genealogy
As you already know I haven't felt the greatest.
We went to Kroger today to get some Ibuprofen
that I needed due to my back starting to spasm.
Plus I decided to get some nasty Gator Aid
to drink instead of pop.
For starters not feeling well can put you in a bad
mood and taking kids to the store can put you in a
bad mood and getting a new cashier can put you in a
bad mood!!! I would have liked to of grabbed his puny ass
across the conveyor belt. He told me I COULD NOT use
manufacture coupons with manager specials. I argued
and argued with him about it!! I was just in this
same store days before and used coupons on manager specials.
The cashier then was a regular and had probably been there
many of years.
I am so tired of people making up different rules!!
I am so tired of people screwing me out of money
every time I go shopping.
These stores are not losing money with us using coupons.
Those manufactures reimburse them their money and then some!!
I wonder how much profit they made off people
who don't check their receipts to see if they
were charged too much for something.
I have this happen to me all the time.
That crap adds up over the year for us if not caught!
I told him to put back whatever I got because what
he was telling me was untrue!! I asked him if this
was a new policy his manager made and he didn't have a
response to that!! He's lucky I felt
like crap and it was hard for me to move around or else
my ass would have been standing in line at the courtesy
counter. But ya know I do have Kroger's corporate email
and I won't hesitate to email them. It won't be the first
or last time. And I ALWAYS WIN!! I know the rules to the
As much as I don't like Gatorade or sports drinks
I am sitting here sipping away at one. I have had
diareah on and off for almost a month. My body is
feeling the stress from it!
I have bad stomach cramps also!
Your body changes over time. While you can eat
whatever you want one day your body may not like it
the next.
I have noticed when drinking diet pop it seems
as if it hits my stomach wrong. I started drinking
diet pop about 3-4 years ago with no problems.
Now I am starting to wonder after doing some thinking.
Years ago when Tony first found out he was diabetic
I ran out and got him some sugar free chocolate.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM!! He ate almost the whole
bag. Then later on that evening he developed
stomach cramps that had him doubling over
and severe bouts of diareah. I thought he was having
a diabetic attack and it scared the crap outta me!!
I got to reading the bag of sugar free chocolates
and it's ingredients then did some research online.
The ingredients they use in immitation sweeteners
can act as a laxative!! I even compared those ingredients
to an actual chocolate laxative in the store and found
they were very similar.
So now I am wondering if my diareah and stomach cramps
are due to the aspartame in the pop. That is the
artificial sweetener.
So as hard as it may be I'm gonna try to go completely
off diet pop for the next several days to see if there
is any change. I will let you know the results if they do.
Gotta have cappucino or chocolate on hand to make up
for the lost caffeine though, lol.
Tonight's Supper
LaChoy Chicken Chow Mein $4.00
White Rice- Free
Makes 5 servings @ .80 cents a serving
Monday Supper
Pork Roast $3.86
2 can chicken broth .60 cents
1 envelope onion soup mix .75 cents
potatoes .50 cents
Stuffing .70
This will make about 2 meals with a 3 pound roast.
Plus 2 lunches.
Cost $6.41
Serves approximately 12 @ .53 cents a serving
Tuesday's Supper
Rotisserie Chicken
Kroger has whole rotisserie chickens for $4.99.
I have a couple $1.00 coupons for them so bought
one for $3.99 to have for a supper.
The coupons were found in the Kroger booklet
that was sent to me in the mail.
There's nothing like cutting it close to a deadline!
I just finished up a dessert to enter in Betty Crocker's
cookie contest. There's like an hour and 50 minutes
to go before the deadline!!
Now I will have 2 recipes entered this year.
Why is it a hubby likes to pick up a camera
and start taking photos of you when you look
and feel your worst????
So here it is...the result of waking up this morning
with the name Raspberry Roulette in my head.
Where it came from I do not have a clue but I am
running with it while there is still time, lol.
Oh lookie here! My recipe is on Allrecipes, yeah me, or maybe
not! Someone else posted it under their name.
I wrote a review and let everyone know it was my recipe.
Now waiting for the review to go through.
Just saw that the recipe was posted as of yesterday.
For years I have tried to submit recipes to
AllRecipes and have not had any luck getting
any of them accepted. Now I see this, GRRRR!!
Here it is from Betty Crocker with a photo of myself!
And on that note I am off to bed with a headache due
to caffeine withdrawal.