We stayed up to watch the ball drop at midnight then headed off to bed.
THEN wanna know how my morning started off!! Not good!
Banging my head on wall.
Ok if anyone knows my step-dad you know he's a little out there.
He doesn't know how to word things and takes everything a little too serious.
He doesn't get jokes and is a little slow.
He must have called from work, which is an auto parts store.
He knew we were wanting to sell our Expedition in the near future
and must have found a guy at work or a customer that was somewhat interested in it.
So my step-dad calls this morning and Tony answers. He asked how much we wanted
for it then the other guy wanted to know what was wrong with it.
Ok...now here is what I would have said....
We recently purchased another vehicle and the reason for selling this one
is that we wanted a vehicle that was more simpler than an Expedition which
is too fancy for us. We aren't familiar with the Tritan V8 motors and
wanted a simpler motor such as a 350 that we could do maintenance on ourselves.
Sounds plain and simple doesn't it when selling a vehicle. And I am telling
the truth!!!
When my step-dad asked what was wrong with the Expedition, Tony made the comment
THE GUY INTERESTED IN IT THOSE EXACT WORDS!!! If you want to sell your vehicle
those are not the words to use!! Needless to say he hasn't called back saying the
guy wanted to come look at the truck. I WONDER WHY!!!! He should have just given the guy our number and let us do the talking. We could have stressed the good points of all the parts we replaced on the truck and made that one selling point.
Do you feel my pain as my head is banging against the wall??????!!!!!!
Anyone want to buy a money pit??? Hurry while you can!! I got people lined up!!
Perfect ride for the recession!!
We have invested approximately $1,000 in it since owning so that is the reason for Tony's comment. Hey someone out there could be getting a good deal in all reality
since we would be taking that much of a loss for repairs. We've already spent the money to repair it and are asking only what we paid for the truck to begin with.
And the truck sets on chrome 20's. That's rims for those that don't know about what I call hoopty mobiles. Those things are worth $1,000 plus alone! I'm sure my step-dad didn't mention those.

Had to make another run to Kroger today.
They have their Christmas things marked down to 75% off.
I even saw a few items more than that such as ceramic
serving plates that was $15 marked down to $3.
Wrapping paper, wrapping tissue and gift boxes were .50 cents.
This was at Karl Rd. so it may vary from each store.
Remember that place I said yesterday was a madhouse?
Well it still is! I swear we stood in line behind this lady that was checking out for what seemed like 30 minutes. I was able to catch up on all the star gossip and find out who's gay, who's gaining or losing weight and who's cheating who by reading them all from the magazine rack!!
Anyway she was Latino, had problems with speaking English and understanding what the cashier was telling her, was using food stamps and what appeared to be WIC. She didn't buy the correct bread and other stuff so the bagger and her younger daughter made about 3 trips around the store to find what they needed while we waited and waited in line!! AHHHH!!!
The Kroger at Karl is the only Kroger I know that sells PIG HEADS at times. You heard me correct, a freakin pig head!! I saw one, one other time and it was so gross to look at. Today they had 3 in the refrigerated case in the middle isle. Then the butcher brought out his rolling rack and had about 3 more getting ready to put them out. I know there are a lot of foreigners in Columbus that probably would swoop that up. But please tell me what you do with one such as cooking or eating it.
I'm not cooking anything that appears to be looking at me while basting it!!
I could see Tony's look on his face when he asks, what's for supper? And I say swine flu stew with a big ole pig head in the pot.

I got my boneless pork ribs with a can of kraut and a can of turkey graving
brewing in the crock on high. I'll let it cook for about 6 hours. Enough time to break down the meat fibers so it will be falling apart to the point you won't need a knife to cut it. Here in a bit I'll get a pot of potatoes boiling on the stove.
I threw in some extra meat to have leftovers for lunches for the next couple of days.
And I also have an extra can of gravy I left out of the crock. Kids don't like kraut so I will use that extra can for their gravy.
Watch these newer crock pots!
Most older recipes for crocks will say 2-4 hours on low or 4-6 hours on high. I have noticed my crock pots are cooking much quicker than those times.
I love my crocks and have had 3 at one time. I've had 2 different meals cooking at once in 2 of them. Planning ahead for meals and sometimes freezing precooked meals makes life sooo much easier. Plus having multiple crock pots going around the holidays to keep things warm is so nice for those dinner events.
Was cleaning and tidying up cupboards and kitchen drawers when I found my all time
favorite icing recipe. It is quick drying, dries hard and be tinted with food coloring. I separate icing into small bowls and add different colorings to each one.
If I want to get detailed with cookies, I'll use a new small paint brush and brush on the icing.

5 cups sifted confectioner's/powdered sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup light corn syrup
food coloring
Place sugar and milk in bowl. Stir until mixed thoroughly.
Add corn syrup and mix well. Add drops of food coloring, stir.
Let dry completely 1 hour. Excess icing can be reheated in
microwave for a couple seconds.
It's 6:00pm and I got dumplings in the crock and potatoes boiling.
Supper is smelling sooo good.
I erased everything I wrote earlier as I guess it wouldn't pertain to what
my blog is about, how we go about our daily lives of being frugal.
What I wrote earlier should be left personal with family and friends.
So if you wonder where it went, my dog ate it.
So here I am getting back on track with frugality....
Today we realized we were out of dishwasher soap. Had tons of dishes to
do with a full house. I grabbed a box of washing soda and added a couple
tablespoons of that to the tray in the dishwasher. It seemed to work until I go to the store to get some more. So if you are in a bind give this a try if you have any. And oh, if you are out of rinse aid, use vinegar instead.
I think I will head to bed. My body has been aching lately. I hope I'm not getting sick as it's only my back, hips, neck, and where your legs attach to your hips in your crotch area. Don't know what is up with all that but I keep moving trying to not let it bother me. Advil and the electric blanket helps! But ya gotta watch putting heat on some aches as it may only intensify your injuries. Read whether you should use ice or heat it may make a difference. For years I have collected a bunch of Home Remedy books from yard sales and thrift stores. They come in handy when you can't get to the doctor or don't have the money for one. They even have ones for pets. You can also search home remedies online.
Here are few you can explore: