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Monday, November 15, 2010


I spent 90% of yesterday in bed sleeping.
I still don't feel the greatest today either.
Still feeling weak and feel like
I have jelly fish legs when walking around.
My biggest worry at the moment is
that Thanksgiving is 10 days away.
I have Thanksgiving at my house.
My house looks like hell, I feel like crap,
I'm sure there is stuff I need to get
from the store. I'm already into 2- 2.5 days
of feeling like crap from the stomach virus and whose to say
when I will start feeling better.
I can say I do feel better today than yesterday.
I have a doctor's appointment in 8 days to
check up on my toe. I'm supposed to have a
follow up visit with my doctor in 2-3 days
for my illness now. I'll just wait since
I already have an appointment set up with him.

Then we're supposed to pick up our car
either today or tomorrow.
We've only had it home one day since
we bought it and it's been getting fixed since.
But like I said I'm all for the car lot
fixing it free for us! But I sure wish
they would step it up a notch.
I realize they had to send the part
out to be fixed and it's not their fault
it's taking a little longer to get it back.

I can't wait to get this hospital bill.
I'm sure it will be stupid.
We do have insurance. The last visit to the
ER back in February for diarrhea and dehydration
set me back around $600 or so.
So can't imagine what this one will be
with an ambulance ride and a cat scan.
Tony's putting our blue Trans Am
on Craigslist so hoping to get a little
money from that.


I'm trying my best to tidy up the house
and do some laundry. I don't have much
energy but more than what I had yesterday.
No one has felt good the past couple of weeks
so everything's been piling up.

All I have eaten in the last couple
of days is 2 small pieces of cake,
a deviled egg and some doritos.
At least I was able to keep it down.
Not much to fuel the body with.
The hospital said I shouldn't eat
for 24 hours and only drink fluids.
Then for the next 24 hours eat a bland diet
like crackers and toast then resume a
normal diet after 2 days.

I did get a bunch of freezer meals
packed up and put in the freezer today.
I had them all made but they have been sitting
in the fridge and I didn't want them
to go to waste or forgotten about.

I ended up with 6 meals.
-Stuffed Pasta Shells
-Crockpot Chicken
-BBQ Pork Ribs
-Pork Ribs with Apples
-Broccoli & Rice Casserole
-Chicken Noodle Soup
This way if we have any more mishaps
and I can't cook then hubby can pull these
from the freezer and warm up!



One of the neighbors just called me.
It was the grandma to one of the kids
that my children plays with who lives about 4 houses down.
She said her grandson came running in to tell
her that there was an ambulance at our house yesterday
and she saw me taken away in the ambulance.


This evening I tried to eat some supper.
I managed to keep it down but my stomach
went queasy real quick. I put one of my
meds under my tongue to prevent nausea
and it seemed to work.

Tonight I took it easy.
I sat on the floor and hemmed up
6 pairs of the boys pants.
I figured I was good being as close
to the floor as possible if I got any
more dizzy spells, lol.


I saw this cute idea for empty
Folger coffee cans.
Wish they'd make printable labels
like this for many reusable bowls
or cans. This would be great
to put baked goods in at Christmas
time and give as gifts.

Design Your Very Own Folger's Coffee Canister


I just was able to start browsing some sales
ads today. I saw a really good deal for those looking
to get dad's, grandpa's or any man on your Christmas list.
I know mine wants one.

Pep Boys

Peak 300A Amp Jump Starter with air compressor.
Regular $44.99
Sale price this week $32.49
PLUS $10 mail in rebate
makes it $22.47 HALF PRICE!

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter

That's pretty darn good
because a couple
years back the cheapest one I could find for my step dad was $50 and that was after shopping
around at many stores!

View Pep Boys Ad



Yesterday starting around 5:30pm
the stomach virus hit me like a ton
of bricks. The stomach virus has been going around
the school. I spent the next 5 1/2 hours
in the bathroom throwing up and having
diarrhea. I'd try to lay down in bed.
I was sooooo thirsty!! But every time I would
even sip warm bottled water I had to run
to the bathroom with throwing up and diarrhea.
Then came the chills. I didn't feel like I had a temperature
but I was shivering so bad.
Then it got to the point that when I had to get up
from bed and run to the bathroom
that once using the bathroom I started sweating
so bad. I would get sweat pouring off me
and would use a cold towel to cool down.
It would drain me so bad I would end up laying
down on the bathroom floor. Then that would pass
and I'd get the chills again and was able to get up
and go back to bed. It got to the point that every time
I had to get up to run to the bathroom, and we're talking
about every 10 minutes for 5 1/2 hours,
I was getting really bad dizzy spells and felt like
I was about to black out every time I got up.
Now mind you Tony wasn't home for a couple
hours due to birthday shopping and didn't realize
how severe I had gotten. They had gotten the stomach virus
and threw up a few times and that was it!
And figured I had the same and it would pass
as quickly as it did in them. I had the kids call
him and tell him to come home.
He came home and knew something was wrong
and called my mom. Mom was out of town near
Toledo attending a family wedding.
She wanted him to take me to the ER right away
for fear of dehydration. You just don't know how
thirsty one gets when dehydrated!! That's all I
wanted was water to drink! But knew if I drank
it, it wouldn't stay down.
So we decided that he would get the kids ready
and go to the ER. I got out of bed and damn neart
blacked out in the hallway. I lost all energy
and pretty much fell to the floor and laid there.
It felt like someone had kicked my legs out
from under me and I just dropped.
I started sweating really bad
and vomiting once again in the hall.
I said I am to the point I can't even stand up and walk
to the truck to go to the hospital.
So Tony ended up calling 911. Which was a big
fiasco because we live right between the township
and city fire department. They never know who
to dispatch out! I had this problem before when a kid
in the neighborhood got hit by a car.
Anyway he'd call 911 and whoever answered must of
transferred his call to someone else.
And that someone else did not pick up the phone.
He kept calling back trying to explain this
to them. It's ridiculous trying to call 911!!
Anyway somehow he got through and
they sent an ambulance out from station 24.
It's about 11:30pm and I was thankful they
didn't have blaring sirens coming down our street,
just lights. By that time I was on the couch when they
came in. They came in asked questions and took vitals.
I kept hearing them say my heartbeat wasn't right
and asking if I had heart problems which scared
the crap outta me! They got me into the ambulance
and starting an immediate IV which they had dripping into
me so fast that it made my body cold and shivering.
Then they hooked me up to a heart monitor.
I don't know anything about numbers with reading
the heart beats but they kept saying it was 150
and it was really high. They had put an oxygen
thing up my nose also. And put some kind
of medicine in my IV for nausea.
I remember the guy riding in the back of the ambulance
asking me things and then he asked my birthday.
I said I'll be 40 tomorrow and he said something
about it just turned midnight so happy birthday.

I ended up with about 3-4 IV bags to replenish my fluids
due to bad dehydration.
I had a cat scan, blood work, different meds. They gave me some potassium saying it was low. They wanted my heartbeat
to get down to a normal rate and stay there before
releasing me. It was down to around 115 to 120 before I left.

What had happened was that I did get the stomach
virus like everyone else BUT mine was more severe
because I was already dealing with an infection in
my toe and taking antibiotics for it.

It's killing me to lay around when I have so much to do.
My house is wiped out but it'll have to wait.
I did do some laundry earlier this week
so are hoping to have enough for everyone to get by
on for the next couple of days.
It's just weird how fast this crap hit when earlier
yesterday I didn't feel too bad to help clean up the yard
and work on some freezer meals. It was when I was making
supper for the boys that it hit suddenly
and went downhill from there.

Well I have to go lay back down.
I feel like someone has sucked the energy
out of me! I try to get up and move around but
within about 5 minutes I'm drained.

Tony should be home soon.
He went to Kroger to get me 4 prescription medicines.
And I still have my medicine to take for the
infection in my foot.
It's now 1:40. That should tell you something
since it has taken me this long, on and off,
of trying to write this (2 hours 25 mins).

I wanted to write this before everyone
wanted to call or come over wishing
me a happy birthday. Just treat it like another
day because I really don't feel well enough
to talk on the phone long or have visitors
or do much of anything else!!

About Me

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My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"

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